Dogs on Wicklow hike

Dogs on Wicklow hike

Friday, 17 May 2013

Just in the nick of time...

Well, trial 1 is over. The last two runs of the trial (Craig and me being one of them) ran this morning due to fog rolling in last night, and it's a good thing because last night I couldn't walk because of my back, never mind stand at a post for 11 minutes unsupported. The chiropractor paid a trailer visit and something must've helped because although I was never upright yesterday, this morning I knew I had one chance at being upright and that would be it. I shuffled out to the post, assisted by Team Boywood of Mary Lou, Linda and Alistair. I was leaning heavily on my crook and I'm sure my face was pasty white. I sent Craig left but he was running tight so I whistled a big get-out and my back spasmed. I started to go down but was able to grab the post like a life-preserver. I didn't see Craig again until he was lifting the sheep, as I was blind with pain but I'm told he kicked out beautifully.

I couldn't whistle or even really talk as the wind was knocked out of me, but Craig started bringing the sheep on his own, managing an obstinate ram.

Poor Craig did much of the work on his own without much help from me, and time elapsed in the shedding ring. We survived with a 68, which on this field still gives me something to put with my next run, if I am able. I struggled back to the trailer, with kind offers from many of the handlers for drugs (over the counter btw) and even a walker! So I have about 30 hours more healing time, although I'm not sure it will be enough. All of the Boywood crew have decent scores to work with. Mary Lou has good scores with both Dyna and Tim.

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Wednesday, 15 May 2013

And so it begins...

The Bluegrass has begun. Mary Lou and Linda both managed scores in the roughest part of the day when the sheep were breaking en masse back for the set-out pens. Mary Lou had a 70 without a shed or pen and Linda managed a 75 on a workmanlike run. I run end of day tomorrow, so hope to add to the successes. At this point, the goal is get a score so you have two to add together to get to the double lift final. The days scores are below.

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Monday, 13 May 2013

Knocking the rust off...

Open 2 started on Saturday, and the winds were so strong, it looked like a sand storm as the top soil in an adjoining field blew across the trial field. I wasn't sure how the judge, Carol Campion, wasn't getting blown right off the judge's stand. The dogs could not hear at the drive panel, right at a crucial point where the sheep wanted to break for the exhaust. Mary Lou and Dyna ran in the worst conditions of the trial, which the judge even commented on. Between that and another independent runner ewe, Dyna had a workmanlike run, but not enough to offset the higher scores run the following day in kinder weather.

I had a decent situation with the weather and good sheep, and with a chance at the win and overall, was too aggressive at the drive panel with a great run going, which knocked my score down to seventh place. Still, the dogs are running well and the winter rust is knocked off. Thanks to all who worked hard to put on the trial. Bluegrass, here we come!

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Sunday, 12 May 2013

Warming up

We have begun the journey towards the infamous Bluegrass Classic Sheepdog Trial, taking a detour to Chillicothe, Illinois to partake in the Three Sisters SDT, a beautiful farm donated, not surprisingly, by three sisters to the area to be used for local agricultural type events.

The Open trial started on Friday, and the field was quite tricky...lots of undulations and blind spots. Mary Lou ran second in the trial and it was hard to see the sheep due the morning lighting. After giving Dyna a quick widening whistle on the outrun to help her see the sheep, Dyna ran very well, but a missed cross-drive panel combined with the commands on the outrun numbed her to 7th place.

Craig and I were fortunate to manage a high-headed ewe around for an 83, which held the top spot until the last few runs of the day. We finished in 2nd place.

Open 2 has started, more tonight!

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