Dogs on Wicklow hike

Dogs on Wicklow hike

Sunday 26 February 2012

Trials, trucks and tribulations

Well the last few days have been a bit of a high for me. I finished fourth on Saturday at the That'll Do trial, had a great time dancing up a storm to some great Bluegrass music and then when we headed north on Sunday after our runs, I was sitting in second place. Life was looking good. Oh, by the way, I should mention I'm writing this on the side of the Florida Turnpike where the transmission fell out of my truck.

I did say I thought this trip might be one too many and I didn't want to push my luck... my lease is up in six weeks...

So as we wait for the specialty tow truck, we are trying to decide how to get three people and a ridiculous number of dogs (don't ask) into one truck and trailer...did I mention the lambs are popping like popcorn at home...?

To make it even better, Mary Lou just got a message that they aren't sending a tow truck until they get more's starting to rain...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Florida's Turnpike,Montverde,United States


  1. oh no! I would have come and got you guys!

    1. Hey Mark! Thanks so much for the kind thought...I should've added a picture of me eating a bag of Oreo cookies at the side of the highway to make me feel better! :) But we are safe and settled now...
